sams_client.schemas.sets – Sets

SET_SCHEMA = {'description': {'type': 'string'}, 'destination_config': {'allow_unknown': True, 'schema': {}, 'type': 'dict'}, 'destination_name': {'required': True, 'type': 'string'}, 'firstcreated': {'type': 'datetime'}, 'maximum_asset_size': {'mapping': {'type': 'long'}, 'type': 'integer'}, 'name': {'empty': False, 'nullable': False, 'required': True, 'type': 'string', 'unique': True}, 'original_creator': {'type': 'string'}, 'state': {'allowed': ('draft', 'usable', 'disabled'), 'default': 'draft', 'nullable': False, 'type': 'string'}, 'version_creator': {'type': 'string'}, 'versioncreated': {'type': 'datetime'}}
Set Schema =
_id bson.objectid.ObjectId

Globally unique id, generated automatically by the system.

state SET_STATE (sams_client.schemas.sets.SET_STATES)

The state of the Set. One of draft, usable, or disabled.

name string

Unique name for the Set

description string

A short description on what this set is designated for

destination_name string

The name of a registered StorageDestination (

destination_config dict

A dictionary containing the configuration options for the specific destination used

maximum_asset_size long

The maximum size of an Asset that can be uploaded to this Set (optional)

original_creator string

A field to store the id of the user who created the set

version_creator string

A field to store the id of the user who updated the set

firstcreated string

A field to store time, when set is created

versioncreated string

A field to store time, when set is updated

SET_STATES: sams_client.schemas.sets.SetStates = SetStates(DRAFT='draft', USABLE='usable', DISABLED='disabled')

The state of a Set defines the available actions on it. A Set can be in any one of the following states:

  • DRAFT: allows the administrator to configure the Set with the correct destination_name and destination_config.

    • destination_name can be changed

    • destination_config can be changed

    • The Set can be deleted

    • Assets cannot be uploaded to it

    • Assets cannot be downloaded from it

  • USABLE: Once the administrator has completed configuring the Set, they will change the state to usable. This means producers can now upload Assets to the Set.

    • destination_name cannot be changed

    • destination_config cannot be changed

    • The Set cannot be deleted

    • The state can only be changed to disabled

    • Assets can be uploaded to it

    • Assets can be downloaded from it

  • DISABLED: The administrator is able to change a Set to be in disabled, so producers are unable to add new Assets to it.

    • destination_name cannot be changed

    • destination_config cannot be changed

    • The Set cannot be deleted

    • The state can only be changed to usable

    • Assets cannot be uploaded to it

    • Assets can be downloaded from it


The attributes destination_name and destination_config are read-only when the state is usable or disabled. This is because the system would have to move Assets to the new destination, which would be better suited to a migrate endpoint.